Sword Missing Scene: Farewell
Author: Guede Mazaka | |||||
*** The Governor was waiting below. On the desk beside James, papers crowded out his doffed hat and sword-belt, spilling over the gilded hilt in pale slivered waterfalls. And outside, the bells for the afternoon drills were ringing. James should have been downstairs offering Governor Swan a drink. He should have been scratching precise signatures onto parchment, and he should have been standing stiffly at attention, setting the standard for his men. But he was doing none of these things. Instead, he was tumbled against the wall, wig and coat having been flung off some minutes before. He was ignoring the impatient knocks at the door, was uncaring of the soot handprints ruining his snowy silk shirt. Spark-scarred fingers were undoubtedly smearing more black across James' cheeks as they combed through his hair, but it didn't matter. Will was leaving. Yesternight's tide had slipped a shadow of dark glory and darker wood into Port Royal, and now James had to make good on his word. But, he thought to himself, not without one last-wrapping his arms more tightly around Will, James stole a final kiss. *** |