Hellhole Prequel: Fatigue
Author: Guede Mazaka | |||||
*** There aren't many Brits around here. So even if they hadn't been friends, way back when they were stuck in a hell of stained silk and bleeding arses, Tom would still remember Will. Only half, Turner was, but it was the half that showed; his Latino side didn't really come out except when he was fighting. Back then, anyway. Tom hasn't seen the other man in years, for all that he's heard of Turner's doings. Sometimes he thinks about going out and visiting, just to see if they're still good. But then he looks at his nice little apartment, a bit dingy but with a good view of the sea, and his staid job clerking at the docks. And after that, he thinks of the wild stories, mixing magic and swords and death and tossing them all back with a chaser of tequila. And he thinks no. But occasionally, when the itch gets too bad, he goes down into the scum-piers. Which is where he meets James Norrington, green eyes and black Vincent 52 purring between two long legs. *** Tom sinks his teeth into the leather seat and mashes his hands around the handlebars, sweat blinding him and him not noticing because he's getting ridden. Hard, wet, down through the ground and straight to hell. He arches, gets fingers dug so deep into his hips that he thinks his bones are breaking. But no, that's just the rest of him, and God. Later, they're leaning against the bike, Tom smoking and James staring at the sky while he tells a blood-stained story in a dead voice. It's Norrington's eyes that give Tom the rest of the tale, and it pulls at part of him. He thinks-but no. He's been too long out of that world. But what he can do… "Will Turner and Jack Sparrow. They're up in the desert, next to Anamaria's land." And the smile Tom gets in payment is twisted and sad and somehow more than fair compensation. *** |