Trappings of the Trade
Author: Guede Mazaka |
*** “Will?” “Mmmph?” “Y’know, real pirates don’t feel the need for sayin’ ‘arr’ and ‘avast.’ A good cannonshot should do you for purposes of intimidation.” “Hmph.” “And real pirates don’t bother with a great big feather. It’s the rings and the teeth that everybody checks, not the headgear.” “And I suppose real pirates don’t actually pay attention to catchy sayings such as ‘send lawyers, guns and money.’ Or ‘it’s all rum, sodomy and the lash, really.’” “…now, let’s not get ahead of ourselves. A bit of sea-lawyering can get you where a pistol might not. Money does ease certain passages. And as for the other bits—” “If you want me to prove any of them, you’d best shut up. Now.” *** |