Author: Guede Mazaka |
*** His head feels full of liquid cotton, thick and hazy and stale. It’s a little better than when he’d come, blood pounding too hard in his ears to ignore, clothes sticking wetly to him in the heat, but it’s still not how he would have liked to be. She’s tossing on her dress, moving with quick firm movements as practiced as the languor that had drawn his eye earlier. Her fingers miss a few holes when she does up her stays. James curls his hand into his lace, uncurls it. Then he reaches out and carefully rethreads her laces for her. It makes her smile, halfway and irony-full. “It’ll just slow the next one down,” she laughs. He can’t answer because his tongue is suddenly swollen, and so instead he gives a stiff nod. She laughs again, harder, and pats his cheek just before she sweeps him out the door. “Thank’ee much, sir.” *** |