Tangible Schizophrenia
Author: Guede Mazaka
Rating: PG-13 to NC-17. BDSM, writing-kink, blood-kink and several others.
Pairing: El/Sands/Abberline, Lorenzo/G, Dean Corso/Miguel, Van Helsing/Dracula
Feedback: Striking lines, messed-up ones, whatever you’d like to mention.
Disclaimer: Not mine.
Notes: ‘Mexico’/From Hell/The Ninth Gate/Van Helsing crossover. G is the mysterious girl who protects Corso in ‘Ninth Gate,’ and Miguel is a sort of OMC with Banderas as a visual. He looks like this and this. //words// in Spanish. Supernatural aspects.
Summary: An exploration of the places on the edge of places, and the kind of personalities that end up there. |