Wax: Hahaha! Murphy! There he's definitely considering violence.

Rossetti: OK, this is one of Norman's quirks that I ADORE. The biting-the-lips quirk. Considering he's done it in multiple roles, and in candid pics, I'm going to attribute it to Norman, and not acting.

Mmmh. Yes. I like the way he tilts his head when he's considering. Which is also him.

He's also like 'when do I step in and help Connor. Connor usually can take care of himself.'

Yeah. He's not gonna waste Connor's flava by jumping the gun. He's gotta hang back and see what happens.

He trusts Connor! But Connor leads. He looks delightfully working class here.

Also, Connor will kick his ass if he messes up his gig.

The baggy eyes and sloppy hair and goatee and, well, butcher's coat.

Oh, yes. he's learned quite well not to step on Connor's toes.

Unless he wants to tussle. But there's tussling and there's getting into a fight.

They can do both.

They only really fight other people, though. I mean, they bicker and tussle, but they don't go in to hurt each other. Cause that'd be like hurting themselves!

They play like brothers together but they'd never dream of doing lasting damage. Murphy just looks like he's a bloke who can go with the flow.

Yeah. And he's observing the flow and waiting for his cue.

He could either stand back and let Connor rumble, or he could join in. He just needs a sign.

But if someone were to, say, kick Connor in the nuts, all bets are off!

That's a little too far. Those are the family jewels!

I'm moved to say 'his little FACE!' but I won't.

Dude, I am too. The problem is that I want to maintain my snark but I really just want to go 'look how CUTE!!! he is!' With the little lip biting! And the bags under his eyes! The sweaty hair!

Dude, the snark has left the building. The snark is out prowling the streets without us. Awwwwww, he's so cute!

The snark is looking for a new home.

::falls over::

Soooo cute.

The snark got sick of our abject worship.

It really did. It said 'fuck this, they're gone for good.'

And left in search of a drink and a better date.

And that's some pretty good snark, there, too.

Yeah, I don't know where we're gonna get one as good.

Whoever gets that is going to be pretty happy.

A good snark is hard to find.

I hope she uses it well.

We lost the snark and found a tangent, hee hee.