Rossetti: 18, eh? I can deal with 18.

Wax: I've had it open for a while, idly considering it. I mean, there are the first impressions: blood, guns, death. And then you get to the faces. Murphy is still looking suspicious, but Connor's face shows dawning realisation.

I go first to their faces, every time. Murphy doesn't back down until Connor does. I think that Murphy distrusts absolutely everyone. Even their father.

Murphy tends to be one step behind Connor, as a rule.

He trusts Connor over anyone.

Connor is the dominant twin, as it were.

Er. Quite

Heh heh heh.


But all that said, Norman looks good with a gun, and he looks just mad all blood-splattered.

I'm so trained on Norman's face that I sometimes forget Rocco's there, completely dead. And that is, really, kind of hard to miss.

Although actually, Norman rather looks like he's been attacked by a flying plate of spaghetti marinara.

That he had been eating. Raucously... that's the wrong word, anyway. Vigorously.

Actually, now I'm thinking cannibalism. I mean, heh, they've been bent over the bloody corpse... Nightbreed! Bwahahah! Moving on.

Norman's got the 'quiet killer' look on.

I mean, we talked about the 'he had been kissing Connor while bloody' thing before. But it actually doesn't quite work. Unless he was kissing Connor's temple or something.

Which isn't unthinkable, per se. But now I'm thinking... Ravenous.

I like that Norman's got the little light above his head. He's the super blessed one!

That's the light of God's love or something. <--- "he's blessed. love, God."

Movie-wise, at this moment, we see the flip side to their prayer. It's not just this . . . post killing spree thing. It's also a way of blessing their dead friend. Murphy was MUCH more torn up about Rocco's death.

But it's interesting that they're not making a difference between dead bad guys and dead buddy, ritual-wise.

Exactly. Because, in some ways, Rocco was one of the dead bad guys, too.

I guess they feel that they've taken their divine revenge and everyone's equal in death.

Y'know how we always got the stop-screen moments with the names and groups and levels and stuff? We got one of those for Rocco. Which means, really, he's a mob guy. He's a low-life crime dude. BUT he's on the side of the blessed, through them. So they say their prayer for him, but he couldn't have lasted to the end of the movie. Because he's not one of the Irish Blessed. So they're saying goodbye, but they also know that he's going to God in a way where he'll have some splainin' to do.

"The Italian might, he's kind of an idiot." ...and here's again an example of the synchronicity they went for in this movie. And Connor goes southpaw.

Every time I watch the movie, I notice another moment where he uses his left hand. Go Sean. That cigarette moment at the beginning kills me, too. He lights up left handed!

So it'd look cooler!

That's really quite special if you're used to the right. Way cooler.

Now I've got my lighter out to test...

I'll get mine...

Quite awkward to light with the wrong hand.

Awkward, but not undoable

I'm not sure I could shoot with my left, though.

Especially not good shooting.