Rossetti: We got a good one in the library, baby. Upsidedown Norman.

Wax: With added Sean.

Sean about to touch Norman.

I should probably explain why I choose this. All of my pics are screencaps. And each of them is choosen half for an incredible moment of Norman's, and an incredible moment in the movie.

As capped by your own self.

Good point, yes, I painstakingly went frame by frame to figure out the best angle for his upsidedownness.

a) We have a really good look at the arm tattoo.
b) Murphy's drunk and smoking and very into the tale of how he shot four or five guys while hanging from a rope.

The cheap bear and bad lighting also make it special. Also, the rip in the jeans.

Well, this one really tells its own story. He's lying prone, or maybe supine, on the table, waving his gun about and smoking. It's really a classic Norman moment in all its glory.

-- Oh, so that's what he's doing! Ahah, I've been so busy looking at him that I wasn't really wondering why he was all over the table.

It's a moment of . . . insight . . . into the character of Murphy. Typically, they're both reserved unless drunk or fighting or acting like ten year olds. But here he is, kind of boasting, kind of drunk. And Connor's kind of like 'shut up. We were doing God's work. Also, you're drunk and about to shoot Rocco.'

His show & tell turns in school must have been something to watch.

I don't know why a man into his gun is so sexy, but it is. Also, that little hint of his eye. And, the smoking. He does both very well. Looking and smoking. And rolling over.

Basically everything that makes it bad and wrong...

...also makes it really appealing.