Rossetti: Black and white, baby.

Wax: This is a rather iconic pose. A crabby god's avenging angels. In ratty jeans and lookin' damned good.

The weird thing is that it's not perfectly symmetrical, but all I can see is the mirror-ish image stuff betweent hem. Rips in the jeans. Swinging crosses. Guns. Gloves.

Only Connor has a shiny coat button, though. I think Murphy's jealous.

Murphy's like, 'I think that shiny coat button used to be MINE, man.'

And Connor's like, 'No, cause you know I have the bigger cock, baby brother.' Then they tussle.

Then again, Murphy does have a peacoat on, so he knows he COULD have shiny buttons. This is one of the moments where Murphy really looks on top of things.

Anyway, yes, Murphy. He's looking quite superior. They're probably feeling the wings of destiny or some such crap. The hand of God, thingy thingy.

Or the voice of their father. Something incredibly prophetic like that.

Maybe their father is God.

Billy'd like that.

A rather scruffy God, but I can buy it.

I just have to take a moment and mention the turtlenecks, though. Norman looks fantastic in turtlenecks. I heartily approve.

The turtlenecks! I love those things. Damn, yeah. This was a good movie for turtlenecks. At least the sleek, snug, black kind.

You know why Murphy looks so much more intimidating here? Because he's closer to the camera. Also - it's sad, but the cross kind of fits into the 'good jewelry' catagory. I mean, I know it's not jewelry. But it fits the spot.

It's even a rosary, right, so it's not actually supposed to be worn. But I guess it's as good a place as any to carry it around.

I know nothing about catholicism, man.

Well, neither do I. I'm Lutheran. But someone told me that. I'm sure I know some Catholics. Er.

We could go hunt down a Catholic.

...or we could just let it go.

Hopefully an Irish one. A tall, broad-shouldered, devout, heavily accented Catholic.

That's just wishful thinking, baby. But good luck. I'm sure there has to be at least one in New York. I feel my chances are slimmer by far.

Connor almost looks like he's holding a martini glass, or something. Maybe that's me projecting onto Norman.

A... martini glass? ::squint::

Err. shadows? And the rope, swinging?

I'm sure that's it.

It's partially the hand, too.

I'd say these are not martini-drinking people, if I may hazard a guess. Although I suppose they wouldn't spit in the glass if someone handed one to them. They might frown on the olive. "Who puts vegetables in the drink!"

Murphy might play with it. Or throw it at Connor. No, they're definitely pint glass blokes. I guess I just have an affection for martini glasses.

Pint glasses of murky stuff that looks and smells like something you'd feed to horses.

Darker than mud.

Warm beer!

Not for me, man! Guinness extra-cold.

Heh, weirdo.

I know. Did you know there are more calories in a pint of guinness than there are in a fish supper?

I didn't, but it does not surprise me.

Those're some complex carbohydrates.

In light of that, it would have been more realistic to cast a couple of slightly... portlier gentlemen as the twins. But then they wouldn't have looked as cool in their peacoats.

Well. They obviously partake quite a bit. But working at a meat packing plant is... rough. And hearty.

Yeah. And then again, we caught them on St Patrick's Day. One could assume they don't usually drink quite that much.

Very true. Maybe they don't tipple as much the other days. They do seem like brawlers, though.

Although they did get pretty wasted in the exploding cat scene.

And as their poor, cut mother told us - they take to brawling when they take to drinking.

They seemed to greatly enjoy their bar fight. With the synchronised attack.

I think they're drinkers. And brawlers. And poets and lovers! Err.

They're Irish!