Wax: Okay, we have the twins again. And a throwaway little moment there.

Rossetti: Completely throwaway. Unless you're, say. Us.

If you're us, this is very intimate, very very... shall I say, twincesty.

This is one of the moments that proves how close the brothers are. And their lack of need for verbal communication. Delicately phrased, that.

A little quiet reaffirmation there. Touching base.

As Director Troy Duffy put it, they'd just experienced a 'moment' back in the holding cell, where they'd woken up after a premonition.

So they need to sort of... feel each other. Not in the sex way! Er. To specify.

He purposefully slows down, gives us non-speaking shots of both of their faces, to emphasize to us that something has changed. The brothers feel this too. So they're emphasizing that whatever's changed, they're still... close.

Yeah- those slow non-speaking shots are, like, the most gorgeous in the movie, pretty much.

That being said. Man, they probably felt the need to fuck during this movie. The actors.

I'd say. Cause they are NOT brothers. But they had to be close!

Even though, y'know, Norman was with Helena.

And Sean's probably got a special someone too. Whatever!

So, maybe they didn't.

The need, man. The need.

But, whatever.

We're slashers, we don't care.

Murphy looks a tiny bit shocked here, too. But relieved. Norman played this entire scene so well, from the moment he entered the bullpen to flicking the coffee at the cops, to . . . being touched by Sean.

And also excited, perhaps, since Connor is about to push them a big step down their newly appointed road.

His only line is, I think, 'body of Christ.'

Big step! He needs Connor to make the first step. But he's going to add SO MUCH energy to the entire effort. They can't do it alone, they neeeeeeed each other.

But he was very... high-spirited the whole time. Murphy is cheerful, while Connor is rather stonily determined. Murphy is like, 'wheee! Shit's happening!'

I believe his exact line was 'I love this shit,' a long time before fucking Vin Diesel.

And Connor's like, 'Shit must happen. And I'll start it.'

Heee. Okay, I was going to say, "When did he fuck Vin Diesel?"

Connor's a bit of a philosopher. Murphy's a bit of a bandit.

(And on my winamp, just now: 'shepherds we shall be, for thee, my lord, for thee...')

This is one of those shots that really just captures the essence of the movie. They're incredibly focused on each other. Despite being in the middle of people, and some big profound godly killing thing.

yeah. and that's what we love. Maybe I'll have to watch the movie again soon.

I think I need to watch it again right now. Let me find the .avi... I suspect that many of my pics will make me want to watch the movie again.

All your eye is drawn to in this shot is Norman's neck. Speaking of which, we've got corded muscle and a tattoo. Barely visible, but. I tend not to notice there are even other people in the shot. Considering that he's working a bowl-cut, he's doing so with flair.

it's almost a caesar, though, short enough. anyway, what I see, yes, neck, and then the hand on his chest.

It's almost belly.

sort of a one-two punch.

Which, yeah. Norman belly's a huge draw. Even the concept of such.

Belly is even more intimate than chest, I feel.


Now my eyes are glazing over.

And this is really too low to strictly be chest. It's almost as if Connor just wants to give Murphy's belly a bit ol' rub, for luck or something. I can imagine it being something stupid and fun and boy-ish, like that.

Maybe it's an Irish superstition thing.

Without a hint of sexual overtone. Really. I swear. Just like Norman got the 'Norman' tattoo because he was in a harem where his harem-owner couldn't remember his name.

Right, right. The only POSSIBLE explanation.