Wax: This is from Floating too, right?

Rossetti: This is, yes. Very Young looking Norman. He looks so perfectly teenager here. I'm amazed.

Seeing as he's nowhere near a teenager.

I think it's something between the blonde hair and his extraordinary acting ability.

And a generally youthful... gestalt. Or whatever you could call it.

Yes. I'd go with that. This is a great moment where he gets super emotional while sitting by the water. And right now his doofus, one dimensional friends approach him, to see if he's ok. But he just turns around and yells at them. It's a very intense moment. This is one of his psychotic looks without looking actually murderous.

Man, this is making me want to see this damned movie.

A psychotic look can mean he's simply distressed, rather than homicidal.

Quite. And here's a case in which he makes that works.

On a purely superficial level, I like his back.

I really love the straggly cargo pants.

And you can kind of see his little ankles turned towards each other.

The suspension between his little buff arm and his little buff side is nice.

Van is a fairly non-verbal acting role.

He's walking around looking distressed and not talking?

Yes! There's a lot of wandering around and smoking and looking distressed.

In his little tanktop and cargo pants.

And sometimes he's wet.

Well, he's feeling his life running through his fingers!

I also like the fingers here. What little you can see of them.

Man, I can't get over how much these Floating pics feel so damned familiar because of the lake and stuff.

He just looks so vulnerable here. I want to sit next to him and comfort him. And communicate silently.

Yeah! Commune with nature. Possibly naked. But just sitting quietly by the water is nice. Unless there are mossies.

Well, yeah. With a cigarette and a beer.

But smoking is somewhat effective on mosquitoes. Or so we like to imagine.

Gives it a higher purpose

Or an excuse, at least. The picture is making me so nostalgic I lose all my wit.