Rossetti: Black and white, nervous Norman. But, not nervous. Just nail biting. I like the nailbiting.

Wax: Dark & mysterious.

This is from the very dark phase. Dark hair.

And it makes him look all eyelinered. The hair is pretty long. Down over his eyebrows, over his ears.

And the open shirt there.

The stubble on the upper lip

He's considering something. what, I don't know.

Pouncing, perhaps.

Also, the hint of forearm from the open cuffs. I have a thing for guys and open shirtcuffs

Despite the sideways look and the nailbiting, he's not looking particularly timid. It's more of a darkly considering look, perhaps.

No, it's not timid... nor quite psychotic. Just... dark. The entire thing is dark but not in the 'dark arts' way or anything.

Perhaps this is French Prada Norman when he's NOT going to see his family.

Maybe he's at a party that's winding down a bit...

When he let his hair grow.

I think he's painting. See, he's considering his painting.

He's having an idea.

He's trying to decide the symbolism of something. Maybe he came home drunk after a party. Lots of absinthe. With an idea.

OK, that's almost like Travis.

He's a bit Travis-y, although more confident. He doesn't think he sucks! This guy would have no trouble copping off in a club.

(Heh, the tuft of hair that's sticking out sort of randomly.)

He, actually, is quite proud of his work and he believes it's good.

But he's too busy right now, thinking about the latest project.

Maybe he finished off with the girls at the club and came home to his brilliant ideas.

I'm really digging the hair.

Also, chest hair. That's one very open shirt there. Also, this is another pic that makes me love his hands.

The hand looks pretty big. But it's the perspective, I think.

Strong. Just... aesthetically the right shape.

He has pretty broad hands, but with long fingers.

That's my favorite type. They're sturdy hands. Creative hands.

For sculpting!

Yes! Or painting! Oh my god - Norman at a pottery wheel!

Ahhahaha. Having Ghost flashback. That wasn't where I wanted to go, really.

Well, no. I'm not thinking that. Not in a...couply... way.

Ixnay on the Patrick Swayze imagery.

In a 'I want to see what Norman would do with a chunk of clay' way. OK, see, I love pottery and I DO pottery. So it makes a difference. I don't just think Ghost. But, whatever.

I haven't done pottery in ages and ages. So I think Ghost.

This is another Norman that makes us go off topic.

This isn't a very mockable picture. Ie, you can't see the Norman tattoo. Any picture with that tat has an opening. This is just sort of quietly hot.

Definitely. You don't even get a hand tat here.

Well, you do.

OK, but it's blurry. It's not 'look! a weird star on his hand!' His hair looks rather straw-y here. Not greasy.

He's washed it!

Ahahahahahahahaha! Y'know - i can almost imagine that he's in a bathrobe here.

Yeah, the open collar there makes it look like it although the cuff is a bit too shirt-y. but we can disregard that.

Yes, quite.

For some reason, I'm thinking hotel room. Maybe he's just slipped on a shirt.

A bohemian hotel?

Perhaps he's considering the room service menu: "Hmmm... snacks..."

Oh, that sounds about right.

He's in... hmm. Prague.

This is when he's relaxing at night. I think he goes antique shopping.

Gets something for the wife. Not a rocking horse, though.

To have funky, old stuff around, just for kicks. No, definitely not a rocking horse. Maybe old fountain pens.

Or clockworks.

Or! He bought Helena antique makeup holders. The type where you put new compresses of powder in.

What to get the girl who has everything.

so they're, like, sterling silver and stuff. Maybe he found one with her initials... or had them engraved. I'm turning him into a romantic sop.

You are.

I'll stop but, man. I can believe that he's into being married.

I'm going, yeah, or maybe he went to McDonalds.

A big mac and an antique. Sounds about Normanish.

He enjoys the contrast.

He enjoys life in general. He doesn't discriminate against anything but fake people.

And he looks damned good while not discriminating, too.