Rossetti: Oh, man. I've been waiting for this one

Wax: The promised smokerings. Although it's more of a smokeball at this stage.

I thought, at first, that it was a marble.

I picked this because it's sort of funny, and also because this is Norman at his blondest and preppiest. He looks perfectly presentable for once. But then he ruins it by smoking!

He still might be a little greasy for some people.

I was almost getting a whiff of... a Tommy Hilfiger scent. If he has one for boys. I was going to say Tommy Girl, but heh. I guess not.

No, probably not. Was he pretty young here?

I don't know. It was a blonde phase.

He looks kind of like he did in Floating. Maybe it's just the hair.

It lightens up his face.

He doesn't even have a hint of stubble, man.

Also, some airbrushing has occurred. I guess they wanted him to look like a coverboy.

If he and Cindy Crawford had children, the resulting distinctive facial mole would be amazing.

This really makes me want to force Norman to teach me how to blow smoke rings.

I like the outwardly flippy hair, too.

It's very chic. Highlighted and tousled. But it's funny how all that styling has gone to make him look pretty much like he usually does, only blonder.

He's not in a bloke-y phase, though.

It's a Tommy Hilfiger phase.

I just have to add that I'm a sucker for Norman's tongue.

And I love how intent he's being on trying to blow the smoke ring.

He has perfected them, but he's still interested in each and every one.

I guess that's how you have to do them. With some concentration. Everyone I know who can make them makes that face with the eyes crossing and all.


Although I must admit none of them look that cute.

Of course not

I'm not usually a fan of tongue, but I approve of it here. It's nice. Pink and sort of kittenish.

And useful.

I just tried to make the same face in the mirror, and I looked like a freak.

I guess Norman has a special skill.