Rossetti: Eeep!

Wax: Mingus!

Ohhh, Mingus. While I disagree with the name Mingus, I love this picture and I love their son.

Okay. Yeah, Mingus. So, I really don't like kids. Really. But I cannot deny that this is a beautiful specimen.

Honestly, what child of Helena Christensen and Norman Reedus wouldn't be frickin' gorgeous? Mingus has halo hair.

Yes, a little angel, no doubt. Even though I get grumpy about people who get all gooey about men with their children, neither can I deny that this picture makes me gooey.

I'm very amused that we're both more taken with Mingus than Norman.

I'm taken with Norman! He's all, 'here's mah baby.' He's a very proud papa. I can't believe I just typed that. Gag.

Norman's using the incredibly serious face. The face that says if you fuck with him or his family he will make your life hell. He's also shirtless! Just! He's got serious face! And he's doing a bit of the thinking!face, too, with the biting of the lips. Maybe slipping into pondering!face.

It's a bit hard, though... he's holding a child! And I'm like, mmmmmrar, sex.

Y'know what? I'm going to say that his face is unreadable, and go with it.

Yes, I'm not sure what he's going for there. Maybe Mingus is tugging his hair.

But put the kid to bed, Norman. I want to think about sex.

See, I think he should be cute with the kid for a little longer. Maybe read Mingus a story or two. Then the sex. Because the whole dad thing rarely does it for me.

This picture is very intimate. I will hazard a guess that the photographer is Christina.

I think you're right; the room can't be a hotel room, it's both too unfinished and too cluttered.

So that way, they WILL put the kid to bed and then there WILL be sex. Alas, not with me involved. Unless we're talking vicariously.

I'd like to think it's Mingus' actual room.

Vicarious sex works here. Because then you get to be Helena.

Yes, that's what we have these objets de drool for.

Back to the divorce analogy, I suppose. See, the painless divorce is really the important part. Otherwise it'd be the marriage analogy.

Yes, I suppose. Easy to come by, easy to let go of.

Norman's looking perfectly bloke-y here.

Yet tender.

Arms. Baby. Belly. Facial expression.

He's reminding me a lot of Ewan McGregor.

See, he's bloke-y in a way I can never imagine Robbie [Williams] being blokey.

Robbie's perhaps a bit more immature. Norman's all growed up.

This is much more tender, and careful, and wise. He loves his life, I think. That's cool.

I guess that happens when you procreate. Well. To some people. Yeah, there's not much darkness in the Norman Existence right now, it appears. Whereas Robbie strikes me as rather an unhappy person. ...aww, Mingus is balancing with his little shoes on Norman's belt. Gush gush gooey.