Wax: Now, this one always makes me think of Stephen Dorff. I don't know why. Although I have some suspicions.

Rossetti: With good reason. This is the longest we've seen the hair. Not that that's a particularly Stephen Dorff thing.

I think... Deacon Frost. This is Norman As Creature Of The Night.

Yes, I was thinking Angel.


Except, less brooding. More sexy bloodletting.

Angelus. Less brood. More leather. Although that's not leather.

Is that silk?

That's... shiny.


Yeah. Definitely a vampire getup, though.

I like the long hair. I just had a long inner struggle. But I like it.

Yes, the hair. Ooh, now I think... Sirius Black. Slap me. ::slap:: There, that's better. Where were we? Vampire!


He's really working the whole slinky thing there. If he's skanky here, he's very subtly so.

Subtle, yet undeniable.

A sort of... smoooove skanky.

I kind of want to tie him to something.

He's not a feeelthy artiste, he's dirty in the sex way.

He is hunching a bit much, though. Maybe that's a dirty sexy thing.

Well, he's considering.

He's about to pounce.

He's considering... unusual sexual practices.

He's considering tying YOU up.

He has a lair somewhere... probably in the French Quarter... with a skylight and a wrought-iron bed. Okay, the skylight isn't working for a vampire, but I guess he's a human predator.

I was going to say, man. Any visitor could just toast him. But yes to the wrought-iron. Maybe a wrought-iron door, too

Maybe he's a serial killer looking for love.

That would be a shocker. Shocker, I tell you. He has a lair with a well stocked bar.

Now I'm having Exquisite Corpse flashbacks.

This is a vampire who still enjoys the . . . pleasure of the flesh.

A well stocked bar, and in the fridge, sandwich meats of unknown origin.

And, y'know, some mornings he probably wakes up and shucks on jeans and a yellow t-shirt, and gets coffee. But he's back to the black satin that night. He's not the artiste.

He's independently wealthy, a bit peculiar, but the kids on the block like him because he buys drinks.

Maybe he does porn?

He's got the charisma to charm young ladies and lads into whatever.

Maybe he owns the bar. The bar where all the sekrit hijinx happen.

Maybe a photographer.

A photographer would be good. But this one doesn't paint.


Maybe he does metal sculpture or something. With a welding iron.

Photography, definitely. He's way too... styled for a painter. Even sculptors are a bit more raggedy than this. He does fashion spreads for money, but his personal hobby is more... lurid.

That sounds about perfect. I'm mixing him up with my other painter/sculptor fantasies.

I have him now. There he is, and he's lovely. And dangerous.

Very dangerous. You don't know how dangerous until it's too late.

And by then, you might not even care. ... okay, heh. I think we should stop! It might be TMI if we go on.

Yeah, it really might be.

let's file DangerousFrenchQuarterPhotographer!Norman away for later perusal. We'll get back to him.

We most definitely will. He's dangerous.

And hot. Damn, that's a good shot. And again, note how different he looks.

Versatile man

I mean, he's got a whole new thing going there. He wants me, man. He wants me BAD.

Aven the angle of his wrist/hands look different, holding that glass

His hands look thin and pallid. Goes with the whole unhealthy lifestyle thing.

He's about to throw the glass, kill a man, then screw you on a table. Possibly kill the man by throwing the glass.

And I'd let him.