Rossetti: Scarf Norman. Here he has an amazing glare, interesting facial hair, a necklace, and yet what I see every time is the scarf. I love guys in scarves. They imply artist, or sexy, or gay.

Or, I suppose, winter.

Wax: Or all of the above, which is cool. Now, norman is at least 'artist' and 'sexy.' We're witholding judgement on the 'gay.' What with the whole family thing.

We can say that he has 'gay appeal' without saying he's gay.

He's still got time, though.

We wish he were gay.

we do.

But, man. I find it hard to diss that family.

They're so cute. Anyway. I picked that picture because, well, he looks a bit psycho, and quite skanky and French, yet undeniably HOT.

All reasons we love Norman.

And he's doing the evil glare thing, which I love.

I just noticed that the suit is pinstriped. That's sexy. What exactly do you think this evil glare says?

And with no shirt. I don't know what his evil glare says, I'm too busy going, ::shiver:: ::purr::

He has a habit of tilting his head like that, to the right.

I like that habit. I support it. Like many of his habits.

Yes, me too. He does this thing with his eyebrow, too.

He's not quite arching them.

No, but,like, twitches one.

He knows his own best angles, I suppose.

Yes! Twitches!

Or maybe his habits just happen to emphasise his best angles. Who knows. Or he likes to look psycho.

Good point. He's not the type to stand in front of a mirror, I don't think

Yeah, cause if he were, he'd've had the Norman tat done backwards.

I keep on adjusting my monitor, trying to see his hair and jacket better. But I think Norman just blends into the background here.

I think he likes to look psycho, I have to say. Because he does it well. It's a good look for him.

I'm sure anyone would rather look psycho than goofy. Not that he actually looks goofy a lot.

Except the comedians.

Well, when you get him in freeze frame he can look rather goofy but that's kind of unfair.

He goes from psycho to sort of laid-back (read: stoned).

Mmm. Stoned Norman. Once again, I really would love to experience that.

Yeah, man. In our dreams.

Necklace! Is that part of the character? Was this for Gossip?

Yeah, Gossip. This is Travis, the scuzzy artiste.

well, I still approve. I like man jewelry, as long as it's not stupid.

As long as it's not bling bling.