Tangible Schizophrenia
Modern Hoodoo
Author: Guede Mazaka
Rating: PG-13 to NC-17.
Pairing: Jensen/Michael Ballack, unrequited Jensen/Jared
Feedback: Good lines, bad ones, etc.
Disclaimer: Disclaimer: Every word of this is fiction. I have no idea what these people get up to in their spare time, and boy, do I know it.
Notes: I a) don’t know the actual SPN filming timeline or how the German national team moves around, so I’m fudging that stuff, and b) am somewhat writing certain girlfriends out of the picture (*cough* from lack of information on them), so I suppose you could say this takes place in a parallel universe to ours.
Summary: It turns out ghosts are real off the set, too. And Jared's a closet soccer fanatic. |