Dear John V: Fire Singers to Winter
Author: Guede Mazaka |
*** “Write your wishes * * * Dear Hartigan, Today we had to write an essay on, if a genie gave us three wishes and they could be anything, what would they be. I wanted to say that first of all, I would set you free. But then I would have had to explain you to the teacher, and she already hates me because I can spell better than she can and I’ve corrected her a couple times. I didn’t mean to insult her or anything. All I was trying to do was to make sure she did it right, but people laughed and she went red as a fire hydrant, and I could tell she wanted to scream her head off at me. Ever since, she’s been looking for ways to get me. Don’t worry; I can handle myself. And it’s only another few months before school ends. Wow. I write that down and I still can’t believe it. I’ve almost finished my first year of high school, and I’ve survived. It’s amazing. When I think about what I was like back in September, all nervous and terrified and worried that I was going to get locked in lockers…well, I’m still nervous and terrified, but I haven’t gotten locked into a locker. I think I’m doing okay. I lost touch with some of my old friends because we’re in all different classes, but I’ve made some new ones and I stay out of the way of the really mean kids. Some of the girls here take themselves way too seriously. And the guys…they’re all jerks anyway. Even if one of them were to finally ask me out to the last dance of the year, I think I’d say no. I haven’t met one yet that’s really nice. Makes me miss my middle-school boyfriend even more, even though I heard from someone that now he’s not so fun to be around. I’m in the middle of reading Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice, which is about a group of sisters whose parents are trying to marry them off, and who don’t all like that. The parts where she describes the countryside and things like that are boring, but I love the conversations. Her characters are almost too witty. When I’m done, I’ll write you more about it. Right now I’m a little confused about some of the plot and what’s going on…it’s cool how she doesn’t say everything straight out, but it also makes it hard to tell what is supposed to be happening. It’s like the characters are winking at each other and laughing behind their hands at how confused the reader is. I have to study for my math final, so I’ve got to stop now. I hope you’re doing all right. Love, Cordelia *** |