Second Shot
Author: Guede Mazaka |
*** Some Nights: R, Alec/James, for taysbluethong There are simply some nights. Alec’s nearly choking on the gun, edge of its tip ripping his lip open so he tastes metal cool and hot. His hands aren’t restrained by anything except his inability to stop his bones from going liquid, the necessity of keeping them on James’ shoulders if he’s to have any hope of staying up because of course the other man’s too busy to assist. That is Alec’s role. And he plays it for the nonce, biting down on steel and clenching around James’ prick till he wrings hoarse shouts from them both. James collapses half on Alec, half on the wall, and breathes while his balance comes back. Meanwhile, the scale holding Alec’s brain and heart uncertainly shivers. * * * Selection: G, crossover with Assassins, Miguel Bain and James Bond, for pinkdormouse To be honest, Miguel had his pick for role models. Assassin is a very narrowly defined term—though Robert Rath certainly was its epitome—and there are many professions other than it that involve precision killing. This one was a possibility. Legend wherever he went, yet still capable of blending with the shadows, with death, if necessary. Charismatic and smooth in a way poor unassuming Rath wasn’t—that would seem to fit better with Miguel’s M. O. Or not. Glitter was far harder to remove and replace than plain dullness. Besides, allegiance to any higher authority had never been to Miguel’s taste. He shifted the crosshairs of the rifle scope slightly left and pulled the trigger. *** |