Now, don't get your panties in a bunch. I STILL don't know them, and I do not mean to imply that they're gay or bi or boffing like bunnies in real life. All I'm saying is, these pictures show that their concepts of personal space may have been somewhat warped by the experience of being in a boyband. That's all I'm saying. No, really.

Leaving 'subtext' and heading for 'text' at warp speed.

I keep looking for a reason for Joey to be standing that close, and keep failing to find one. They're leaning into each other! And look at the expressions on their faces. JC is singing to him, and you can't tell me he isn't. Cutest. Shot. Ever.

Silly string was flirting for me too, in the sixth grade.

You'll notice that Joey is in most of these. There is a reason for that: most of the pics of the boys getting picked up, hugged, kissed, held, or otherwise touched, involve Joey in a primary role. Here, you see him making Lance sparkle