Justin's the pretty boy, and I think he knows it. He photographs very, very well. His pictures are legion; these are just some of my personal favorites.

Um.  Did I mention Lolita, earlier?

That necklace is a crime against humanity. So is that knowing little smirk, on a babysoft face.

The world is changed because you are made of ivory and gold.

Red lips and sly eyes and the light painting old gold and copper in his hair. What was he thinking, I wonder?

Flame, baby.  Flame.

Continuing on with our Sultry Boyslut!Justin theme for a moment. I have to wonder...did they pose him like that, or is it all natural talent? Because I would pay rather a lot of money for what this boy is selling.

Bouncing boy!

Had to give my hormones a rest, there. Anyway. I'm almost embarrassed by the beefcake factor of this picture, but I can't resist the arms. And the little tucked-up feet. And the face. Awwww.


I don't really have words. They've all gone away.

I'm inspired to enter a Blue Period.

The combination of the lush mouth and the square stubborn chin is fascinating. Don't you think?


He's daring you to come chase him. HELLS yeah. Look at that grin. This boy is on top of the world, and he's ready to play.

More will be added as I find them.