Oh, Joe. Joey was my first N Sync crush; I did a double take at him at the 2000 VMAs, in that "who the hell is THAT?!" kind of way. And he just keeps getting better, and remains and will always be my favorite. I'm a Joeygirl forever. I don't even know how many pictures there are here, no way could I cut it down to ten, or probably even twenty. And they aren't in any particular order; I couldn't choose favorites, since they're all so good. I love this boy an embarrassing lot.

Jealous much?
All the others will be Joey solo, but I just couldn't help starting with this one. It's my two favorite pairings, y''ve got Joey and JC, and then Joey and Justin, and despite the horriffic pink background, they all look wonderful. Also, please note Joey's gorgeous red hair. You'll be seeing a lot of it here.

Microphone kiss
His mouth's a little open. He's all sweet and serious. And just look at those eyelashes and the clean curve of his jaw. *sigh*

Set the pick
He may not like sports, but he's a competitive boy. That's some intensity. Also, Very Hot Arms. And not to get too terribly personal here, but for people who are all 'ew, Joey's all hairy!'? Not if his legs are anything to go by. Lovely big strong Joey.

I lied, a little, when I said I loved them all equally. This is my favorite Joey picture ever. I spend a lot of time looking at it. Happy eyes, pretty smile, red hair. Just Joey. Perfect. Love him.

Hi Joe.
Sure, he's just a regular guy. He looks a little tired, a little skeptical. And I can't stop staring at his eyes. Warm. Mmmm.

The smile is pretty, but the glare is heart-stoppingly hot. That look could pin you where you stand. He wants something from you, and damned if I wouldn't give it to him without a second thought. Also, all the dark makes his skin look gorgeous and golden, and his eyes look so intense.

His mouth is all red, like he's been kissing someone. His hair is that perfect crimson color. Again with the dark intense eyes. It's all good.

Guh.  Just...guh.
Another of the Favorites that I claimed not to have. If you can stop looking at his eyes, the way he's so intense and serious and hot, there's this little...dip. At the base of his throat. Right before the lovely muscles start. It makes my mouth go dry. He's very beautiful here.

This one's all about the neck, and the powerful shoulders and the breadth of his chest. He should wear more tight shirts. Justin has a pretty, long neck, I'll admit, but there's something about Joey's...okay, I've got a little fixation. It's harmless, really! Also, check it out, Justin got into Joey's stuff with his Bedazzler. I love a boy in rhinestones. *g*

He makes me smile.
I love everything, everything about this picture. The MTA shirt. The hat. The smile. The fact that he looks more than a little stoned. The Joeyness of it all. Joey loves New York, and I love Joey. *smile*

Old school sexy
I'm a fan of bigger!older!Joey, but this pic is just wonderful. His eyes are warm and sparkly, and he's got the piercing in, and his mouth is all soft. Even the dorky ring and the clearly newly-manicured nails somehow work. He's so lovely.

Making a grey day sunny.
How could you not smile back?

Boy on the edge of a nervous breakdown.
This one barely looks like Joey, but it's still beautiful. Short prickly hair, eyes and mouth a little tired and tense, that great profile, and he's so big. I wanna just burrow into his chest and beg for a hug, and squeeze him hard.

He looks really good in red. He looks really good serious. He looks really good. Have I already mentioned the gorgeous eyes? The hair? The throat? Thought so.

Red handed
What is he wearing? Is it some kind of parachute? Is he sitting in front of a confessional? What's he warding away with that big hand? No matter what the answers are, I wanna lick his neck.

smiling in the sun
People say he's not attractive. Frankly, I can't imagine what they're thinking. Just...just LOOK at him! He's so...EEEEEE! *falls over*

what's he thinking?
This one kills me. Dead. He's not a pretty boy, he's a gorgeous man. I would love to know what he's looking at, what he's thinking. Just...yes. So gorgeous.

smile for me, baby.
Another serious shot. Most of the pictures where Joey looks seriously, honestly happy and good involve him playing with his boys. A lot of the solo shots I like best are serious. Still, what a great photo. Even when he's serious, his mouth turns up a little at the corners. Like a dolphin's.

Joey brings the bling
There's a smile that says "I'm a little fed up with this, your camera's been in my face all day, but I'm still playing nice." Another reason to love him...his eternal and endless good nature. Pretty red curls. Hideous S necklace. Marvelous cute Joey.

Desert Storm Joey
There's something about this picture. It's just him and sky and sun. He's got a hip cocked casually, his arms are just, wow, spiky hair, ready for anything. Joey could carry your new fridge up the stairs for you. Joey could lift anything he put his hand to. Joey could pick up JC like he weighs nothing at all...oh wait, he does that anyway. Heh.

tired boy
He looks so *tired* here. He needs a nap, and a shave, and a cuddle. But kinda proud, like there's a flag going up, or he's looking for someone in the crowd that just said something nice about one of his boys, and he wants to thank them with a smile. Also...mouth. Yes.

He's just such a goofball. I love him. A regular guy who just happens to have a smile that lights up a room. This is an outfit my ex would have worn on a hungover Sunday morning to go get greasy comfort food at the diner. Joey looks much better in it.

oh, sad.
The angle of his head. The dark red, the serious face, tipped down. The way the superman pendant is the only bright thing. This is a wonderful picture, even though it makes me sad.

oh, happy!
I couldn't end on a sad picture, because of all of them, Joey seems to be the most genuinely happy, sweet, generous, get the picture. I love him in green, the way his skin and hair are all golden, the way he's laughing so freely. I love him. A lot. "A lot."

Thanks to everyone who posted these pictures, and to Allen Sama, whose picture gallery is such a wonderful place.