Until recently, I found the Spaz actively unattractive. Then he got the longer streaky hair, and I started noticing the eyes, and the grin, and the skinniness started looking lean and sexy. The dorkiness became endearing. Fortunately, my appreciation is still mostly aesthetic. Mostly.

Serenity.  It's sexy.

Eyes. Mouth. It's just not fair, for a man to be this pretty. I want to touch my tongue to that little dimple in the corner of his mouth.

Goth!JC?  It's an idea.

He looks like he's thinking of mysterious things, that are making his eyes all dark. Nice cheekbones, Jace. Yum.

Why did I never notice that lower lip before?

Maybe it's just conditioning by now, but JC wears rhinestones and sparkles better than any man has a right to. Hello, sleepy bedroom eyes. And that little smile. He's adorable.

Hide and seek?  Ok, I'll play.

He looks shy. Like someone told him to make love to the camera, and he wasn't sure how, so he's hiding a little. I like his sidelong glances. They're not knowing, like Justin's...they're kind of tentative and sweet.

Whoo.  Hello, JC.

Black hair. Blue eyes. zgrzbkts. Bibble. Guh.

Pretty.  Pretty, pretty boy.

Saving the best for last, or something. My favorite JC picture of all time. I don't even mind the goatee. He's so FUCKING pretty. And those eyes just sparkle and shine.

More as he continues to improve. *grin*