All of them, together. Systems overload. Gah. Eveyone in the pic has to look pretty good, if the shot's on this page.

They always look better in black.

One of the few decent Baby!Sync pics I've been able to find. Lance looks pretty and pale and perfect. Chris is doing his yummy Evil Overlord glare, and the braids aren't even that bad. JC's got the guns and the sidelong glance. Whoo. Joey's sneering just a little, and that red hair is a shock against the monochrome. Nice, Fatone. And Justin's pouting and looking pretty, which is really all we can ask of him. Lovely. I want to lick them.

I'm not quite sure why I love this, but I do.

Kind of a bad scan, and they're not looking very hot, but for some reason I love this picture. Maybe it's Chris and Justin smiling at each other in that really sweet, natural way. Maybe it's Joey dorking out in the background. Maybe it's Lance's "what the hell am I doing with these freakshows?" expression. Or JC, coming in on the down-low. *snerk*. Anyway. I like it. I think they're cute.

Awww.  Just...awwwww.

This is MUCH better than the companion shot (the infamous 'Justin finds his pee-pee' pic). They look all tumbled and relaxed. Lance, Joey and JC are SO in a threesome. They even make a pretty little triangle. Yum. Chris is outside it all, but tolerant. And looking VERY cute. Justin's a sulky bitch, but he looks damn good doing it, so I'm not going to complain. His body language is totally curving into Chris, too. Whoa. Save me. I'm seeing subtext everywhere!

Superior bastards.  I hate them.

They're all looking very haughty here, very RockStah, very How Dare You Ask Me For An Autograph, Minion? That's ok. It works well with Justin's new and usually unfortunate haircut. Also, Chris appears to be holding JC's hand. I think Lance and Joey are fondling each other behind Justin, and that's why Lance looks like he's struggling to keep a straight face. I think perhaps I should seek professional help.

Pretty.  Pretty.  Guh.

My splashpage pic, this time in color. I love this pic. Justin looks like a decent human being (who just happens to have a terrible haircut) . Joey's looking kind of heavy and sarcastic, like he'd say mean but funny things about passing people as you were sitting and having lattes. I like Joe when he's bigger. I LOVE Chris's red hair, and the jewelry, and the measuring look. JC appears both well dressed and alert...I'm not sure what to think about that. But look at his neck! Mmmm. Smooth. Lance is right in the middle, placid and smiling a little and everyone's leaning on him. And his hands. I have a serious fetish for Lance's hands, and this picture illustrates why perfectly. Nice.

Ooooh.  My black leather kink comes out to play.

They look easy and comfortable together, jackboots and all. JC hearts Joey. Chris doesn't mind that Justin's giving Lance a manly embrace, he knows who he's coming home to. All happy boys, all in black. *sigh*


Gacked from the Labrats page, because I kind of couldn't live without it. *grin* This picture makes me happy.

More will be added as I find them.