After Party
Shoot Part Four
by Pet
For Georgina, who raised this fic from infancy.

Joey sighed and shifted and struggled to stay asleep. There was something sharp digging into the hollow above his hip, he turned a little, squirmed, there. Much better. He was almost too warm, and so incredibly comfortable.

Even half asleep, though, the feeling that he should be paying attention to something kept nagging at him, and he groaned. He just wanted another hour, another half hour, another ten minutes, please...

Justin. He sat bolt upright, dislodging--what the fuck--AJ McLean from where he'd been sleeping against his side.

"What the-" AJ was looking around wildly, sunglasses off and looking rumpled and shocked. He jumped to his feet, then just stood still. Staring at the bed. Joey followed his eyes.

The sheets and blankets had been kicked off the bed, and Justin and Nick were tangled up like puppies in sunlight, long legs twined together, Justin's curly head under Nick's chin, the fingers of their hands interlocked. Sleeping like babies, and looking terribly, painfully young in their t-shirts and boxers. Justin moved a little, smacked his lips, and curled further into Nick's body. Nick sighed, and then settled back into silence and stillness.

Joey looked at AJ. AJ looked back. Joey stood up, and followed AJ into the bathroom, and leaned against the sink while AJ tried to pace on three square feet of floor space. It was really more just turning in circles, and Joey wondered how long it would take him to get dizzy. He yawned. AJ stopped and glared.

"Glad this is boring you, Fatone."

"Fuckoff, McLean." He kept his tone amiable. It was far too early for this shit. "So they slept together. Big effin' deal. Technically, so did we."

AJ just looked at him. Shit, that boy could look evil. Joey grinned, and AJ fisted hands in his hair and stared at the ceiling.

"Why ME? What the fuck did I DO?" It was almost a howl.

Joey chuckled. AJ in mid-freakout was just too priceless. "Hey, now, don't take it so hard. I still respect you. Well, no, I don't, but I didn't before either, so no great loss there." He turned and stared at himself in the mirror, bared teeth at his reflection, noticed that the couch had left lines on his face. And nice hair, wow. Now that was a look.

"Could you concentrate for a fucking SECOND, here, funnyman? What are we gonna do," AJ gestured in the general direction of the bedroom, "about THAT?"

"Do?" Joey turned back around, crossed his arms over his chest. "Not much. Wake 'em up, feed 'em some advil, get the hell out of here. Pay off the bodyguards. Pretend it never happened. Remember?"

"Pretend it never happened? Are you stoned? Kevin's tearing this place apart looking for us by now. And, genius, did you SEE them?"

"Yeah. Pretty cute."

"Joey, you said he was STRAIGHT."

Joey shrugged, looked around for a glass. Shit, he was thirsty. "So did you. Guess we were wrong. Either that or the screaming's gonna start any second now."

AJ winced, leaned his head on tile. "Please God, no screaming. Nick in a fit could wake the dead."

"Justin's got a set of lungs on him you wouldn't believe." Ah, yes. Glass. Water. Joey had a sneaking suspicion he wasn't quite awake yet. AJ seemed to be quite the morning person, though. He was trying to pace again.

"Is it terrible that I hope they wake up and, y'know, run for the door? Quietly?"

"What, you don't want queers in your band, McLean?" He narrowed his eyes at AJ.

"Yeah, I'm a bigot. Asshole. Just." He scrubbed his hands over his face. "Jesus, the drama's bad enough around here as it is. Put the prima donnas together and it'll be a fucking misery."

Joey nodded. THAT, he could understand. "Oh yeah. JC would have a whole litter of kittens."

"Kevin...Christ. What time is it?"

"Time for you to get a watch?"

"I am TWO seconds from smacking you through that wall, Fatone."

"Try it, McLean." Oh yeah, he was waking up now. He tried looming. AJ looked unimpressed, and actually pretty mean. Maybe it was the tattoos. Or the muscles. Or the snarl. Or the dark dark eyes-Joey yanked his mind back.

"I would, but I'd hate to wake the Wonder Twins in there. What FUCKING time is it?"

Joey shrugged. "I don't wear a watch."

For a second, he thought AJ's head might actually explode.


AJ had put his shirt back on, and Joey was grateful. All that skin had been distracting. He'd kept AJ from murdering him, had trekked back out to check the time and the boys and get their cellphones, and now he was back in the bathroom. The tiles were cold on his feet, and he wiggled his toes as he stared at his phone, gearing up.

AJ looked at him. "On three?"

He sighed. "Yeah."


Nothing happened.

"You're supposed to dial, dickweed."

"So are you, buttmunch."

"OK, on three again. This time for real."

He closed his eyes tight as the call was put through. It was picked up on the first ring. From AJ's little jump, he had a feeling that call had been too.


"Hey, JC."

JC had a range of voice and vocabulary that Joey hadn't really ever experienced before. When he hit E above high C, Joey winced and yanked the cellphone away from his ear. Glanced across at AJ, who had his phone outstretched as well. Kevin's voice was lower, but Joey could still hear him from four feet away. AJ was grimacing.

"Wanna trade? This bastard's not listening to me anyway."

"Sure." Joey handed over his phone, and took AJ's. Nodded at appropriate points. Looked serious. Heard AJ chuckle at him, looked over at a wide flashing grin. Kevin paused for breath.

"Gee, Kevin. Tell me how you REALLY feel."

There was silence, then a snarl. "Give the phone back to that rat bastard moron bandmate of mine, Fatone, or-" Joey thought it might be prudent to hand over the phone at that point. AJ pointed at Joey's phone and mouthed "nice voice!" at him, and Joey smiled.

This had really gone on for long enough.

"JC. JC. JAY. CEE." JC's voice cut off. "I know you were worried. I'm sorry I didn't call. I'm sorry I turned off my phone. We're fine. Justin's fine. Everything's good. We just hung out, and crashed by accident. So chill, ok? I'll bring him back in a few."

"Joey, I just can't believe you were so irre-"

"I know. I'm sorry. Look, can I go wake Justin up now?"

Sigh. "Yeah."

"Thanks, C. Hang tight. See you in a few." He snapped the phone shut. AJ was still nodding at the flow of words from his own phone, but he glanced up at Joey and rolled his eyes.

A small sound from the bedroom snapped Joey's head around, and he waved an urgent hand at AJ. "They're up!"

"Kev, gotta go. NO. Yes. Kevin, I HAVE to go. I'll call you back. NO! Bye. Yeah, fuck you too." He stuffed the cell into his pocket, and squared his shoulders.

"Damage control, baby."

"Be nice to Nick or I'll rip your lungs out."

"You say such sweet things."

But there didn't seem to be much obvious damage to control, at least at first glance. Nick was sitting up, fingers of one hand pressed against his temple. The other hand was in Justin's hair, where his head rested in Nick's lap. Justin was curved around Nick's hips, still lying on his side, eyes closed. Nick was carding long, pale fingers through tangled curls, and Justin looked like he'd have been purring if he'd been able to figure out how.

"What was all that shouting?" Nick's eyes were heavy and a little bloodshot.

AJ groaned, and Joey sighed into the armchair. "That, boychild, was me and AJ covering your ass. Kevin was not pleased."

Nick frowned. "But he knew where we were. Right?" He turned to AJ. "You told him we were leaving, right, AJ?"

"Well." AJ slung a hip over the arm of the couch. "Mostly. I told them we were coming back to the hotel. Just didn't mention we had to get a room for you two tweakers, so's you wouldn't get interrupted mid-trip by Daddy Kevin or worse." He glared at Nick. "And I don't think they expected us to be gone until 8 a.m."

"Oh, SHIT!" Nick sat bolt upright. "It's morning?"

"What, the sun didn't tip you off? You've got a bright kid, here, AJ."

"At least mine speaks. You're in the shit too, Justin."

Justin looked sublimely uncaring. He curled closer around Nick, and kept his eyes closed, and smiled. Joey had to admit, privately, that if someone had been petting him like that, he might not have been too excited about moving, himself.

AJ clapped his hands. "Up an' at 'em. You think I'm gonna take a reaming like that alone, you're even dumber than Fatone here. Let him up, Justin. JC wants to see you, I think."

Justin didn't move. Nick's face softened as he looked down, blond tangles across his forehead, and Joey saw that Justin had both hands wrapped around Nick's arm, clinging, rubbing his thumb over the soft skin at Nick's wrist. At least it looked soft. Oh, Christ.

"Justin." At least that tone got Justin's eyes open. Blissed-out blue. "Get up. Right now. Seriously. Get some clothes on, we've gotta get going."

"Listen to the man. UP, Nickolas."

Nick struggled free of Justin, ignoring the soft little "nononono..." and stood, a bit unsteadily. He was like a colt, Joey thought, all long bones and slightly awkward beauty, hair falling into huge blue eyes until he scrubbed it back with one hand. He didn't seem to know where to go, next, and Justin still hadn't moved from his ball on the bed. In fact, his head had disappeared under the pillow, and he seemed to be slowly working himself further into the blanket and sheet. Slow-motion burrowing.

"My head hurts." Nick sounded about five years old.

"Just say no to drugs, moron." But AJ moved to the bathroom for water, and left Joey to contemplate the Justin Situation. He'd had some experience attempting to rouse the boy, and...he turned to Nick.

"Can YOU get him up?"

"No. My head hurts." And if that wasn't quite a Justin-pout, Joey thought admiringly, it would do just fine as a substitute should the Justin-pout ever be unable to fulfil its official duties.

He looked back at the bed, wondered why he was indulging the spoiled blond babies, thought evil thoughts about AJ, and dove in. Stripped coverlet and sheet from the bed ruthlessly, dragging Justin half across the bed with them.

"Justin! Good morning! It's a lovely day, time to get up and make the most of it!" He made his voice as loud and cheerful as possible, ignoring the fact that AJ had come back in and was staring at him like he was an escaped mental patient, and that Nick had taken a few wary steps backwards. He grabbed the pillow from Justin's clinging hands, and looked down into a fierce scowl. "Up and at 'em, tiger! You want I should sing you the good morning song?"

"NO!" Justin sat up, still scowling. Looking adorably rumpled and cranky and sleepy. Joey grinned. Opened his mouth.

"Morning has BOOOOOOOKEEEEN, like the first MOOOORNNN-" He was cut off abruply by a hard hand slapped over his mouth, and AJ's face right there at the end of his nose. He crossed his eyes at AJ.

"What the FUCK is wrong with you?" My, AJ had pretty eyes.

"That's how he gets me up." Justin was standing, though, so it had worked, and Joey resisted a 'nyah-nyah' only because he figured it would sound strange against AJ's palm, which didn't move as AJ turned to glare at Justin. He watched Justin stalk past him on the way to the bathroom, just bristling with outraged dignity and moving with sleek grace even at this hour, and wondered if the kid had ever had an awkward moment in his life. Next to him, Nick looked like a stork. And then Nick ducked his head down, opened his eyes wide, looked at Joey and AJ.


Joey felt himself cave. Couldn't even blame himself. The boy was just so fucking CUTE, gold-touched cream in the sunlight, and looking all lost standing in the middle of the floor in his boxers. Joey sighed over AJ's fingers, considered biting, considered the probable effects of a fist to the eye, settled for licking instead. AJ's fingers tasted like salt and smoke and metal. Not bad.

"EW!" AJ jumped back, shaking the offended hand. "Nasty, Joey. Fucker."

"That's what you get." He turned to Nick. "Look. Not freaking here." He gestured at AJ. "He isn't either, obviously. Just, you know. Be careful." He was way too young to be giving a birds and bees speech, and Nick was turning a really spectacular shade of red. "No, not like that. Well, like that. But you know. Be CAREFUL. Me an' AJ, we're cool. But." This was just distressing. He gave Nick a manly smack on the shoulder, staggering him a little, and tried a smile. "Good for you, and everything. Treat him right. Or not, I guess, if you're not...ah, fuck it." He shut up, and looked helplessly at AJ, who was smirking at him.

And Justin was back, sliding into place next to Nick like he belonged there, scowling at Joey, all protective prickles and edges.

"Don't you be mean to him, Joey."

Joey's eyebrows went up. "Or what? You'll tell your mommy? Relax, Justin. Just reassuring the kid that all is cool, we're not gonna go running for the holy water or anything."

Justin sniffed a little at that, but relaxed, and slipped an arm around Nick's waist. Nick leaned into him, it looked like, gratefully. His head was still down.

"That's ok, I guess."

"Why thank you for your approval, Prince Justin." AJ rolled his eyes, slouched past them to the couch, and Joey noticed for the first time that AJ was short. Like, almost Chris-short. He seemed taller, somehow, when Joey wasn't paying attention. Force of personality?

"Can you two get dressed so we can go?" AJ sounded impatient, but the sprawl on the couch looked comfortable. Joey shoved his feet aside and sat down too, looked at the boys expectantly. Ignored the kick he took in the side when AJ resettled his feet on the couch.

"I don't wanna." Justin looked stubborn. Joey sighed, swatted idly at AJ's foot.

"Justin, that doesn't even work on JC any more. Come on. Clothes. Cover up that bod before AJ starts getting ideas."

AJ snorted. "Yeah, THAT'll happen. You too, Carter. Time to face the music." He looked at Joey. "And here I thought my babysitting days were over."

"Not hardly. Between this one and Chris, fuck, my life's one long sitter's nightmare. Clothes, Justin, right fucking now." Justin just glared at him, but there was something else...was Justin...

"Jup, there's nothing to be afraid of."

Nick's head snapped up at that, and he looked at Justin, and HE certainly looked worried. And he was leaning into Justin, and Justin was hanging on for dear life, and AJ kicked Joey again.

"What the fuck? Knock that off." He looked back at the pair. "They're not going to crucify you, y'know."

"But..." Nick's voice was soft, but he'd been quiet for so long Joey jumped. "We never. You know."

"We never get to SEE each other!" Justin wailed.

"Oh for Christ's sake." AJ sounded disgusted. "Don't even start with that. Before last night you never saw each other anyway. Grow up, and put some fucking pants on."

"Before last night was DIFFERENT," Justin spat, turning red.

"Yeah, you were straight and so was he. So you got fucked up and screwed around." AJ shook his head, looking only marginally sympathetic. "Don't go crazy about it. You know better."

"I wasn't straight." Nick's voice was surprisingly firm, and he was frowning at AJ, even as his fingers tangled with Justin's. "An' don't be a dick, AJ."

"I'm not being a dick! Well, ok, maybe. But you know y'all can't date or anything. Jesus. Lou would have a fit. Kevin would fucking KILL you."

"Oh, let up, AJ." Joey surprised himself. "Let 'em have a minute at least." He looked at Nick. "We're all here another night anyway, so don't act like he's going off to war, or something."

Justin brightened visibly. "That's true." His face fell immediately. "But no way they're gonna let us hang out again."

AJ was looking at Joey with narrowed eyes. Joey shifted uncomfortably.

"So who died and made you boyband yenta, Fatone?"

"Shut up. I dunno." He shrugged. Smiled. "They're cute, y'know?" Justin smiled at him gratefully, and snuggled closer to Nick.

"Cute like the impending apocalypse is cute, sure. And would you two PLEASE get some CLOTHES on so we can get OUT of here?" AJ was up and pacing, looking tense and glaring at Justin and Nick, who reluctantly unwrapped from each other and started pawing through the pile of clothes on the floor. Nick smiled shyly at Justin as he handed him his shirt. Joey sighed happily. AJ glared at him.

"Maybe..." Nick was still looking at Justin, even as he stepped into his jeans. "Maybe tonight. After? Can you maybe get away for a while?" Justin paused, thought about it, shook his head sadly.

"I don't think JC's gonna let me out without a leash for a while."

"But maybe," Nick sounded dogged, "maybe if you went to the movies or something? With Joey?" Nick didn't look at Joey. "We could maybe meet up somewhere."

"You think KEVIN's gonna let you out of his sight? Those drugs must have been even better than I thought." AJ made a turn at the end of the room, paced back, checked the clock impatiently. "C'mon, c'mon, socks, shoes..."

"Well. If, um. Someone came with me." Nick looked at AJ.

AJ stopped in the middle of the room. Put his hands on his hips. "Crack," he declared. "It was crack, not E. That's the only explanation."

"No, it could work!" Justin was suddenly all energy, standing up straigher, eyes shining. "Like, you guys have been SO cool, and everything, and it's just one night. We'd even let you pick the movie!"

"Um." Nick looked skeptical about that, but stayed mostly quiet. Justin was on a roll. AJ's mouth was hanging open, incredulous. Joey was staying out of this one.

"And we'd be so good. We would! And you and Joey could hang out some more." Justin smiled triumphantly, and pulled his shirt on over his head.

"I don't want to hang out with HIM!" Simultaneous shouts, and Joey fought down the urge to smack AJ and yell "jinx!" Justin raised a puzzled eyebrow.

"But dude, y'all were like. BONDING and shit, right?"

"I am NOT," AJ moderated his voice a little, "going on a double date with you, fucking CARTER, and the Wonder Guido here."

"Hey!" Joey scowled. That was low.

"I never said date. Did I say date? I didn't say date." Justin was scrambling. "Just, you know. Hanging out. Did I say date, Nick?"

"Nope." Nick was grinning at AJ, who was still fuming, but looking a little...embarrassed? Nah. Couldn't be.

"Date or not, I ain't going. Worst idea I've heard all year. And you're not gonna want to go ANYWHERE once Kevin gets done ripping you a new one, so wipe that smirk off your face, Nicky boy."

Justin slipped his hand into Nick's. Even fully dressed, they somehow looked like they were sharing a skin. Or wanted to be.

"Please, AJ?" Justin's eyes got big and pleading. Nick's, too. Joey trembled under the assault, and he wasn't even the direct target. "Please, Joey? PLEASE?"

Joey shrugged. "I don't care, but if that tattooed freak tries anything with me, he's a dead man." Wonder Guido, indeed.

AJ snarled at him.

"No. No fucking way."

"Please?" Justin's voice was small and soft. And sincere, as far as Joey could tell. He was begging. With his eyes, his mouth, every inch of his body. AJ didn't stand a chance.

"What part of NO...oh, GodDAMN it!" He spun in a circle and screamed. Joey laughed. Justin and Nick looked hopeful. Like big pretty golden retriever puppies, both of 'em. Nick leaned over and whispered something in Justin's ear, and Justin giggled and covered his eyes with one hand, and could they be any more grade school?

Joey moved to get his jacket, stared at himself in the mirror for a second, and grabbed at Justin, who clung to Nick, and dragged them all out the door. Time to face the music.

He didn't really look like a guido, did he?


"Yo, speak to me."


"Fuck, Fatone, how'd you get this number?"

"I found the skankiest chick in the crowd downstairs and asked her. How the fuck do you think I got it?"

"You know, if you were funny I'd be laughing."

"I doubt it. Listen, you're not gonna punk out tonight, are you?"

"What are you, the gay fairy godmother? Wait."

"Jup's mom came down pretty hard on him, and he had a meeting with Lou, so he needs some cheering up."

"Lou's HERE?"

"No, on the phone, moron."

"Jesus, don't scare me like that."

"Sorry. So. You in?"

"You know we can't do this. I can't believe you're encouraging them."

"Come on. They're kids. They're crushing all over each other, they're cute as shit, what harm can it do?"

"Joey, we have a certain financial and professional stake in an appearance of absolute heterosexuality, y'know."

"Ooooh, AJ with the big words. No, I hear you. But it's a movie, it's not like they're gonna be naked and slippery and giving each other head in the hotel lobby."


"Do not even go there with the imagery, Fatone."

"Sorry." Joey chuckled. "So, movie. When are you free?"

"I can't believe I'm doing this."

"Think of it as your good deed for the decade."

"I don't DO good deeds, fuckhead."

"OK, tough guy. I don't know Nick that well, but I know Justin, and I'll bet there are some similarities. Imagine what it'll be like going back to Germany with him next week if you bail."


"OH yeah."

"Well, we can't just wander into a movie theater. You all might be able to, but some of us are actually famous."

"You can't see it, but I'm flipping you off."

"You can't hear it, but I'm telling you to bite me. Oh, wait, sorry."

"Sorry, no can do. Haven't had my shots."

AJ hooted. "But yeah, ok, WE are famous enough that it's probably not a good idea to go all public. Plus, y'know, Kevin's not that thrilled with y'all right now. I'd rather stay under his radar."

"Fine. What then, genius."

"Hey, you're the one who's practically shoving them into bed together. I'm just along for blackmail material."

"You're a shit, you know that? Hmmm. OK. OK! Got it. Drive in!"

"Dear Joey, the nineties just called. They'd like you to join the rest of us here."

"No, ass, there's a drive in movie theatre around here, I read it in the paper. They reopened it and shit. We could just go in a car."

"You can read?"

"Fuck you. Hang on. OK. Here it is. They're showing...Batman and Robin. At ten."

"Seen it."


"So, I don't want to see it again, it sucked. If the movie ain't interesting, we're gonna be stuck watching them hold hands and make gooey faces all night."

"You'll live. Where should we meet?"

"I'm driving."

"No you aren't."

"Yeah, I really am, or I ain't going."

"You're such a fucking baby, you know that?"

"Bite me."

"We've been through this."

"Meet us at...where the hell are we again?"


"I don't know anything about this city."

"And you're driving?"

"Meet us outside the freight entrance. Bring a map."


AJ drove like Chris, which was to say, very very quickly and with only marginal attention to things he considered unimportant. Things like traffic laws and fellow motorists. He fit right in to the Chicago traffic flow.

"I think we're supposed to be going north."

"We ARE going north."

"Fine, then. I don't know why you had me bring the map, if you're so sure where you're going."

They were talking softly, both sneaking glances back into the rear of the sedan, where Nick and Justin were curled together, whispering to each other. Nick's eyes had been suspiciously pink-rimmed when they'd gotten into the car; Joey wondered if he'd had a conversation with his mom, too. Mrs. Carter was notoriously evil. They both looked ok now, though, and as he watched, Justin poked Nick in the side, and Nick giggled and jerked away. Justin's big white grin was almost blinding.

Joey smiled. Justin was a happy kid, generally, full of bounce and energy and occasional pissiness, but pretty grounded. Always dashing around, trying to make sure his friends and family were ok, doing small favors for them, going out of his way. Joey adored him. But even with Justin's habitual sunny nature, he couldn't remember ever seeing him sparkle like this. And from what he'd seen of Nick, Justin would be good for him.

He suspected they were holding hands, but couldn't tilt the vanity mirror far enough to see.

"-ey. JOEY. HEY!" He snapped back to attention.

"Left or right?"

"Um." He looked at the map, turned it around, looked again, squinted in the faint illumination of the streetlight. Tried not to be flustered by the way AJ was drumming impatient fingertips on the steering wheel.

"Left. No, right. Yeah, right."

"Are you sure?"

"Of course!" Well, not really.

"Left it is." A squeal of tires, and they fishtailed through the intersection.

"Are you sure you want an arrest for reckless endangerment on your record, AJ?" Justin sounded a little shaken.

"Shuddup, I'm driving here."

"Is that what you call it?" Nick.

"One more comment from the peanut gallery, and I'm turnin' this baby around."

"Yes, dad."

"Joey, smack him."

"You do it."

"He's yours!"

"I'm busy." Joey bent to the map to hide his smile.

"Busy getting us lost." But AJ's dark voice was more amused than irritated, and Joey kept smiling.

There was something soft and kind of sexy, Joey thought, kind of smoky, on the radio, he didn't know what it was, but AJ was humming along and sounded amazing, and the low murmur of voices from behind him was soothing. He leaned his temple against the cool glass of the window, and remembered that he'd only slept a few hours the night before. Damn kids with their damn newly complicated love lives.

The measured flash of streetlight into the car was almost hypnotic, and he found himself staring at the guardrail. Flash, flash, flash. He refocused on the sideview mirror when sudden movement caught his eye.

Justin had his head tipped back against the top of the seat back, long pale neck bared and vulnerable, and he was smiling. For a moment, Joey thought Nick was whispering secrets; all he could see was a sleek fall of hair, there against Justin's shoulder, just the top of Nick's head. And then he moved, and Joey saw the wet slide of tongue, Nick tracing the strong line of Justin's throat. Justin's mouth opened soundlessly, and Joey thought maybe he was panting.

He was riveted, frozen, like these were two boys he didn't know, strange and beautiful boys in love, tasting each other and moving restlessly and oh, Justin's hand was curving up around Nick's face, pressing him closer, and Nick's mouth was open, a little, and shining where his tongue had swiped over it. Tasting Justin. He bent, and nipped at the place where Justin's throat met his jaw, sharp white flash of teeth, and this time Joey could hear the gasp.

He tore his eyes away from the mirror. They weren't strangers, weren't performing for him. He breathed in air that suddenly felt heavy in his mouth, his lungs, and was deeply grateful when AJ abruptly, jerkily, rolled down his own window. He glanced over. There was a flush of color along the fine edge of AJ's cheekbone, and his fist was clenched tight on his thigh. Joey wondered what the picture in the rearview mirror was like.

"We're almost there." AJ's voice was strangely jarring, over the hum of tires and Joey's thoughts.

"How do you know?"

"I've been following the signs." And sure enough, there it was. Huge screen, jumping now with ads, and the entrance. AJ paid. Joey smiled at him, and got a sneer in return. It was starting to feel almost affectionate.

The parking lot was well lit, in that strange flourescent light that turned everything to a black and white image, bleeding the colors out of reds and blues and greens, shading them all to grey. Against the black leather of the interior, AJ was all sharp edges, clean line of his goatee against white white skin, slash of dark brow, eyes shadowed. Joey was almost afraid to look in the back seat, but couldn't resist a quick glance. Justin and Nick were sitting innocently in their seats, leaning forward to see the screen. Joey wondered if he should tell Justin that he had bitemarks on his neck.

"OK, anyone want popcorn, snacks? Jesus. When did I turn into my mom?" Joey shook his head, disgusted, as the expected laughter hit him. AJ bopped him lightly on the shoulder.

"Side effect of too much exposure to spoiled children. Go clubbing or something tomorrow, or you're gonna be lost forever."

"I hear THAT." Joey ducked a smack from the back seat.

"Shut up, yo. The movie's starting." Justin sounded like he was trying very hard to be the mature one. Then he ruined it by giggling, and Joey firmly informed himself that he had no need to check back and see what was going on.

AJ had been right; the movie sucked. After a while, the novelty of watching a movie from a car, on a huge screen, and with the little speakers in the windows wore off, and Joey found his attention wandering. To AJ, who was humming to himself and had his eyes almost closed. To the cars on either side of them, which seemed to be inhabited by couples making out. To the glove compartment of the rental car. Back to AJ.

AJ was staring fixedly at the rearview mirror, lower lip caught between his teeth. Joey stifled a groan. Not again. These last 24 hours had been a haze of vague guilty arousal at the thought of those two together, amusement and annoyance with AJ, concern for Justin, concern for himself, and more lust. Joey had never been one for the pretty boys, but there was pretty, and then there were Justin and Nick. And now...he couldn't help but look back into the vanity mirror.

Just a simple kiss, really, and they were being quiet about it. Nick's arms were looped around Justin's neck, hands dangling loosely down his back. Justin had Nick's waist between his palms, fingers spread, easing in a little. Their eyes were closed, bodies still except for the lean and shift of angles as they adjusted to the touch of lips and tongue, the pressure and pull of touch. Justin startled back a little as their noses bumped lightly, then dove in to swallow Nick's smile.

Nick made a little sound in the back of his throat, and suddenly Joey couldn't breathe very well. He found himself twisted in the seat, the mirror no longer sufficient. They were sepia and ochre, pale and perfect and leached of all real color in the unforgiving light, the arch of Nick's cheekbone casting shadow onto his jaw, the edge of Justin's chin strong and clean against the delicate touch of Nick's fingers, moving now, but tentatively. Joey was reminded again that this was all new to them. Justin was gripping handfuls of Nick's black t-shirt now, holding on desperately, and Joey could hear him inhale hard and fast every time he drew back for breath. He was a little stunned at the heat they were generating, the way they were moving, the eager little pushes of Justin's hips. They were kids, for god's sake. Babies. Or at least that's how he thought of them. But he wanted Justin to be happy. And Justin looked pretty unbelievably happy right now.

Joey's right arm was pressed against something warm, he hadn't even noticed. AJ. Who was turned around too, now, and watching with dark dark eyes, and the car was small, but did he really have to be right there? Joey was having enough blood flow problems without being touched. All up and down his arm. There was no earthly reason for AJ's skin to be that hot. He moved a little, experimentally, and AJ pushed back, lightly, never shifting his gaze. AJ knew he was there. Bastard was not helping.

Movement in the back of the car, and Justin had apparently gotten tired of just holding on, because he was pushing back, now, leaning in until Nick yelped and grabbed at the seat and fell back, long legs tangling as he tried to keep his balance. Justin moved over him smoothly, never pausing in the little kisses, until he was draped over Nick completely, covering him, and his tongue dipped to the hollow of Nick's throat. Nick's hair was a spill of white silk over black leather, his mouth was dark like wine and open as he breathed, tangled an urgent hand in Justin's hair. He looked perfect and unreal, absolute white and absolute dark in the strange light, eyes closed and hips rolling under Justin in a rhythm so carnal Joey felt his knuckles go white. Justin's skin looked like satin in the small of his back where his shirt had ridden up, in the soft place under his ear. Nick's fingers were tracing tiny delicate patterns there.

Joey almost jumped out of his skin when warm fingers curled around his palm and tugged, jolting him back to the place where he had more senses than sight. He turned, and AJ was watching him knowingly, and he wondered what he looked like, if his cheeks were as red as they felt. AJ's wide mouth was curled up at the corners in a small smile, and he jerked his head at the door, and Joey nodded. He definitely needed air.

He almost couldn't move, his hard-on pressed so painfully into the seam of his jeans. But he managed to slide out of the car quietly, and close the door. From what he could still see, through the window, they hadn't even noticed.

AJ came around his side of the car, settled a hip on the hood beside Joey, reached down and adjusted himself unapologetically. Joey elbowed him.

"Careful there. I can see the headlines now: Boyband Superstar Gropes Self In Public."

AJ snorted. "Everyone here is doing pretty much what they're doing," he jerked a thumb back at the car, "an' wouldn't notice if I dropped trou and choked one out right here."

"Please don't."

"Oh, like you wouldn't like to watch."

"Don't flatter yourself, McLean. I don't bend that way."

AJ looked pointedly at Joey's crotch. Joey flushed.

"OK, that was...OK. They're hot, ok?"

"I can actually see you bending from here, Fatone."

"Shut the fuck up."

They sat in companionable silence, watching Poison Ivy chew every piece of scenery on the set. Joey reassured himself that yes, Uma Thurman was also hot. There was a nice little breeze that cooled his hot cheeks, though the occasional shift in the car behind him kept his thoughts firmly in the gutter. His mind kept supplying him with helpful little flashes of memory. He wondered if they'd taken off any clothes yet.

"So, what do we do now?" The movie really, really sucked.

"I don't know about you, but I'm gonna get off this car," AJ slid to his feet, "go to the men's room. Take care of this," he cupped a suggestive hand between his legs, "then get a fucking Coke, break up the porn back there, and go back to the hotel." He shook out a cigarette, offered one to Joey, who accepted. Ran his hands through his hair, standing it up in crazy spikes, and shook himself like a dog. "Got a light?" He grabbed Joey's Zippo and flicked it lit, inhaled, looked satisfied. "OK. I'll be back."

Joey watched him saunter away, all tight slinky grace in black jeans, and sighed. He leaned back against the car hood, feeling the trace warmth from the engine at his back, and looked at the sky, the cigarette dangling from his lips. Only now the movement of the car under him wasn't making him think of beautiful blond boys, but of dark hair and dangerous eyes and-


AJ had taken his lighter.

Thieves, Joey decided, did not deserve privacy. Or Coke, for that matter. In fact, they deserved to have insults shouted at them from the men's room door as they tried to get off, and then possibly they deserved to be smacked and carted back to the car, where--Joey glanced surreptitiously--at least everyone still seemed to be clothed. Mostly.

His boots hit the ground with a satisfying thump, and he took a moment to straighten his shirt, stretch a little. It was a nice night.

