chris pics

So, I'm a little obsessed with fierce!chris. I keep saving pictures as 'chris-frown' and 'chris-glare' and 'chris-crankymofo'

But then he'll hit me with one of those painfully cute bird-poop pigtail pics, and dammit, it's shmoopsville again...

oh the shame, the shame of liking this pic

'mmm, justin, *just* like that...'

yowza, baby

um, jesus, his *eyes*

anyone but me sensing a theme here? glare, chris, glare!

mah cranky man

liquid eyes, baby

'cause he's all punk and shit

hair, hair, hair!

serenity is where it's at. who else could pull off this hair?

more serene diva hair

ungh. glasses. very good

bird-poop pigtails!

awwwwww. nothin' fierce about him, just pure goddamned cuteness

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