aj pics

So AJ. AJ was the first one I liked in the Backstreet Boys. Before I, you know, liked BSB. Because he's hot, and he has tattoos, and a nice torso. And he's funny and goofy and likes his family.

Okay, so sometimes I suspect that he does in fact draw that facial hair on with a Sharpie. Is that so wrong?

Mmmmm, it's like AJ distilled. He's all black on milky white. Very pretty. And eyes! And his lovely, glossy dark hair. I think it's made out of feathers from Chris' wing.

This one's for Rob. Because dammit, you worry too much!

AJ, balding and hot. That is all.

I have this one named 'aj-carseat', which always makes me think of kids, and makes me then have to open the picture to find out what the hell I was thinking.

I have no idea what he's doing here, or who thought of this as a photo op. But, um, works for me. He's all twisty and cool looking. And crafty! I'm sure he's crafty and could break into buildings and stuff...

Fairly sure I should not be liking anyone wearing what appears to be a chenille robe as a sweater. Um, *fairly* sure. Ish. Awww, to hell with it.

He's staring off into space, after a long hot session with our favorite established couple, wondering when the fates will see fit to have both groups in the same town at the same time again. All he has to console him is Joey's furry sweater and Lance's cowboy hat. And a few strategically place mouth marks...

And yet another BSB can do *math*!

Hackery!AJ, baby. A fine companion (or nemesis, if you prefer) for smart!Nick.

Again with the furry stuff. I have issues, I tell you, issues!

Big pimpin', whoo! I have no idea why I love this picture so much, but I do. And not in an ironic way. It's in a very "one of my top ten AJ pics ever" way. He's all sharp and lovely. And his hands! Ungh, okay. Enough.


AJ just looks damned good in yellow. Yellow clothes, yellow light, yellow set, yellow flowers. Good, I tell you. Also, I love this AJ hair. I have to admit it. I'm sure he had to do something horrid to it to make it all smooth and glossy like that, but...*pretty*! With purple-y red bits. Very nice.

See, those cuffs are attached to that...um, floor. or car hood. Whatever. They *are*

And welcome to Rosa's kink-o-meter, which is currently off the scale. Do you think he does this to me on purpose? Why has no one written fic for this picture yet? Come on people! I cannot be expected to let my kink flag fly all alone over here!

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