Written for Tomilee for Don We Now Our Gay Apparel, 2002.

Coffee Shop

by Althea

...Searching for the unknown crumb...

It starts quite simply.

"What is this?" JC asks as he takes a sip. He lowers the cup and licks the foam off of his upper lip.

Chris smiles. The table shakes slightly as Chris' knee bounces against the table leg. "Just drink it."

"I am. And it's yummy. But I want to know what it is."

"Gingerbread latte," Chris says. "Isn't it great?" Chris picks up his own drink and runs his tongue along the edge of the lid, snagging the stray drops of coffee from when he almost spilled the cup earlier.

"Mmhmmm," JC says as he stares off into space.

"I can usually only find them around Christmas, but this place seems to have them year round."

JC smiles. "Quite the find."


...Jumping on a bed in a hotel room...

Chris fingers JC's palm as he drags him down the hall. When he gets to the corner, Chris drops JC's hand, lacing his fingers together to form the shape of a gun. JC recognises the Mission: Impossible pose. JC can't help but laugh when Chris whips around the corner, FBI style.

"Chris, where are we going?"

Chris leans over and puts his index finger against JC's lips. "Shhh. They might hear you." JC would worry about Chris' mental health, except that he catches the smile under the serious expression. JC gives up and follows Chris around the corner.

When they step into the empty hotel room, JC raises an eyebrow at Chris. Chris simply smirks and takes off his shoes. And then steps up onto the bed and starts jumping.

JC looks up at him. "Do I even want to ask?"

"That depends, do you want to know?" Chris stops bouncing for a moment and extends his hand to JC.

JC shrugs, takes Chris' hand and climbs up onto the bed.

A few minutes later, JC starts laughing. "Chris?"


"That wasn't your first cup of coffee today, was it?"

"Not really, no."

...We can dance like Iggy Pop...

The next night Chris is watching SportsCenter when a cup of coffee appears before him. He looks up and JC is standing there grinning. JC is wearing tight leather pants and a small black t-shirt that appears to have flecks of silver throughout. Chris swallows hard.

"Your shirt is all sparkly," he says.

"I know," JC says. "Isn't it great? I got it at a thrift store this afternoon."

"Mmmm." Chris stares at JC a little longer, and then remembers the coffee he now has in his hand. He takes a sip. "And now you're bringing me coffee."



"Uh-huh." JC perches on the armrest at the opposite end of the couch.

Chris narrows his eyes. "And you don't think it's a little late in the evening to be feeding me caffeine?"

"Nope," JC says. "Because we're going dancing."

Chris looks down at his baggy cargo shorts and golf shirt. "We are?"

JC stands up again, grabs Chris by the non-coffee-holding hand, and pulls him off the couch. "Well, I mean, you're gonna change your clothes first, but yes. Then we're going dancing."

Chris downs half the coffee in one gulp and then places the cup on the end table. "Well, okay then." The cinnamon and sweetness still warm in his mouth, he heads over to his suitcase.

...Another go in the parking lot...

Their car is parked near the back of the building, and currently they're wedged between the front bumper and the brick wall. They're both sweaty, and Chris isn't sure how much of it is from the dancing, and how much of it is from what they're doing right now.

Chris has his back against the wall and JC pressed close against his front. He shivers as JC's tongue slides around his ear. Chris nudges his knee further between JC's legs and for a moment he wonders how they got there. But he remembers JC dancing close, fingers looped through his belt loops, eyes glittering. And Chris realises this started long before that.

Chris reaches up, putting his hand to JC's cheek. He nudges JC off his ear and leans in so that he can kiss him. Chris is surprised to discover that there is still a hint of caramel and coffee flavour on JC's lips. Chris pushes forward, sliding his tongue further into JC's mouth. Everything feels so right, and Chris can't figure out how this hasn't happened before.

JC pushes Chris further into the wall. There might be pain from the bricks against his back, but Chris doesn't notice because JC's thigh is also rubbing up against his cock through one layer of leather and another layer of denim. If they stay here much longer, Chris is going to need to do something very indecent. Chris looks around, assesses their relative seclusion and decides he doesn't care.

Chris' fingers slip underneath JC's shirt and find their way up to his nipples. JC shivers and nearly bites into Chris' lip. After about 30 seconds, JC gives up and pulls off his own shirt. Chris smiles and leans in. He nudges JC forward ever-so-slightly, and soon JC is sprawled across the hood of the car. Chris' tongue circles JC's nipple, and JC lets out a soft moan. He nibbles just a little and JC's moans grow louder.

Chris bites and licks his way down JC's ribcage as he fidgets with the zipper on the fabulous leather pants. JC lifts his head up and looks down at Chris. "Are you sure you want to do this here?"

Chris smiles as he looks up at JC. "Honestly, that's about the last thing I'm thinking about right now." Chris' face gets serious for a moment. "What about you? You uncomfortable with this?"

JC grins. "Uncomfortable? Yes. But that's just because I'm lying across the hood of car. I don't actually have any desire to move."

Chris doesn't say anything in response. He just returns his attentions to JC's stomach. Chris finally gets the zipper undone and is pleased to discover that JC is not wearing underwear. He's not terribly surprised, given the fit of the pants, but it makes him smile nonetheless. He slides JC's cock into his mouth and circles his tongue around the head. He can feel JC twitching underneath him. He puts his hands on JC's hips to keep him from thrashing. Chris is pretty sure there will be thumb-sized bruises there in the morning. He takes most of JC's length into his mouth, and it's not long before he tastes the saltiness of JC's come sliding down his throat.

When he's done, Chris climbs up JC's body and nuzzles against his neck. JC is still whimpering slightly. Chris thinks he could get used to this. He also wonders how long they can lie there before someone will notice them. He wonders if the cops around here would know who they are.

...Come along illuminate my lust...

When JC wakes up, he's not quite sure where he is. He's not drunk or hung over or anything, he's just tired and it takes him a minute to figure out whose bed he's in. He rolls over and accidentally smacks someone he really hopes is Chris. He's pleased to find out he's right, and amused to see that Chris is showing no sign of waking up, despite having just been socked in the face.

Chris is sleeping on his back, and JC knows he's naked under the covers. He slides up against Chris' side, reaches over and runs his hand along Chris' thigh and up his chest. JC pulls himself closer so that he's mostly lying on top of Chris and starts licking Chris' neck. It's not long before Chris lets out a moan and starts to wake up. JC lifts his head up and leans in and kisses Chris, sliding his tongue into Chris' mouth. Chris' tongue is starting to respond at this point, and JC can feel Chris' cock getting hard against his thigh.

Chris' eyes flutter open. "Hi," he says is in a sleepy voice.

JC finds it entirely too cute, and leans back to look at him. "Hey there."

"You know, I think I like waking up with you in my bed," Chris says.

JC grins. "I thought you might."

JC climbs off of Chris and out of the bed. Chris starts whining. "As much as I enjoy watching your naked ass walk across the room, the word 'evil' springs to mind right now."

JC looks over his shoulder, eyebrow raised. "My naked ass was walking across the room? Does it have legs of its own?"

"Oh, shut up," Chris says, pulling the sheet up over his head. "I'm not exactly coherent right now. And it's all your fault."

JC smiles as he looks back at the pile of sheets that had been Chris a few moments before. "Well, I don't know about you, but my naked ass was gonna to go take a shower. Your naked ass is more than welcome, and encouraged, to come along."

Suddenly the pile of sheets becomes a flurry of sheets, and Chris is sitting naked on the bed. The sheets are now in a heap on the floor. The smile on Chris' face is as wide as JC has ever seen it. "Now that's more like it!"

JC laughs when Chris pinches his ass on the way to the bathroom.

...Confucius might have been confused...

When Chris gets down to the coffee shop, he finds JC tucked away in a corner waiting for him. He's curled up at the end of a couch reading a magazine, two cups of coffee already on the table in front of him. He doesn't even seem to notice as Chris approaches.

Chris looks around quickly and leans down to kiss JC on the top the head. "Hey," JC says to him as he sits down on the sofa. Chris smirks when he sees Justin's fuzzy head on the cover of the magazine as JC drops it down on the table. Chris reaches over and flips it so that all he can see is a milk ad. And starts laughing.

"You know, I flipped it over because I couldn't cope with Justin staring at me like that. I'm not sure that Nelly's naked chest is much better."

JC laughs and hands him one of the cups of coffee from the table. Chris takes a sip and smiles. Cinnamon and nutmeg goodness washes down his throat. He stares contentedly at JC for a few moments until his brain finally engages, most likely due to the recent caffeine infusion, even if only for psychosomatic reasons. His forehead scrunches up and he pulls the cup away from his mouth. He rotates it in his hand, trying to find the label. Once located, he makes a mental note that it most definitely reads "Starbucks".

Puzzled expression firmly in place, Chris looks up at JC. JC is watching Chris and looking slightly bemused. He says nothing. They stare at each other like this for almost a full minute. Chris finally caves in and stands up. But apparently JC loses his composure when Chris actually walks outside and checks the sign above the door. By the time Chris gets back, JC's laughing so hard Chris can see tears running down his face.

Chris stands there, hands on his hips, staring down at JC. "Okay, see, I thought it was only Starbucks that made the gingerbread lattes. And the word 'Starbucks' on the side of that cup would seem to promote that theory."

JC wipes a stray tear from his eye with the back of his hand. "Very good deductive reasoning there, Kirkpatrick."

"But here's where I get confused. I was pretty damn sure this wasn't a Starbucks. I knew this because all week I've been taking a nice little walk to get my coffee. And I wouldn't be doing that if they sold my damn drink in the hotel coffee shop. "

JC just keeps smiling Chris.

"But you know, there's always the chance that I'm losing my fucking mind, so I thought I'd double-check. But unless I've suddenly forgotten how to read, that sign out there most definitely says 'Peet's Coffee & Tea'."

JC reaches up and takes Chris' hand. He pulls Chris down next to him on the sofa, and throws his legs across Chris' thighs. "Chris, my boy, it would seem that you still have a lot to learn about the advantages of being a celebrity."

~ End ~

Section titles provided by "Coffee Shop" by the Red Hot Chili Peppers.

Thanks to Katie for the fabulous and speedy beta, and for letting me know what I could and couldn't get away with. Thanks to Cat for helping to get my brain working.

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