Unsentimental by Elina I’m tired of this shit. Every day it’s the same. Joey I love you, Joey I want you, Joey please don’t say anything to anyone. What am I, stupid? I may not be the brains of the outfit, but it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out what’s going on. So that’s it. No more handjobs in the bathroom. No more blowjobs in the janitor’s closet. And definitely no more fucking me, trying to fuck him over. Do you understand me? Stay out of my room late at night. When I kick them all out, you go too. Stay out of my space. I don’t want any "accidental" brushes of your hand, anywhere on me. This is over. Whatever it was, whatever we had, it’s over. If you want to be with him, work it out and be with him. I’ll dance at your wedding. Just stay the fuck away from me. ~*~ You don’t understand. It’s not like that at all. I love you, I really do. He means a lot to me, yeah, but whatever chance he and I might have had is over now. You know it’s not like I can just stop seeing him every day. It’s hard to be around him. But I love you, I need you to be with me. Please be with me. ~*~ Why the fuck should I do that? So you can keep shushing me, so you can keep hiding me from everyone? No thanks. Call me when you’re not fucked up anymore. ~*~ Baby, Joey, I was just so scared of what they would think, what it would look like for me to be with you so soon after he and I broke up. I was afraid they wouldn’t understand it’s not just some rebound thing. I love you, I really do, and I didn’t want to listen to them telling me how I was screwing up. You know how they are. Please come back to me. ~*~ Not a fucking chance. How stupid do you think I am? Did you think I would fall for that act? Look, if they think you’re doing some "rebound thing" with me, it’s because you are. We’re talking about Chris and Justin, here - I may not be smart, but they are. I think you’re really just worried about JC. You don’t want him to know how you fucked around on him. Shit. You say you loved him so much, and look what you did to him - Reason #547 for me not to come back to you. What’s to stop you from doing exactly the same thing to me? No way. Fuck off. ~*~ Fine. If you really feel that way, fine, I guess. ~*~ Yep. See you around. |